It All Began with a Burp
Mark and I’d been dating a month or so when I asked him to a family dinner at Mom’s house. After dinner, Mom asked me to go out to her truck to get something she’d forgotten to bring in. So I walked out to the dark garage, opened up the driver’s-side door to the truck and was searching around when I let out a big burp, a testament to the meal I’d just eaten.
I found what I was after so closed the truck door—and Mark was standing right there. I was so embarrassed since I’d just belched so loudly and it reverberated off the four walls in the closed garage.
I apologized and excused myself over and over, and Mark said to me, “I don’t care what you did. You can do anything you want in front
of me.”
Wow, no guy had ever said that to me, and I never felt like I could do just anything in front of any guy I’d ever dated before.
Little happenings, beginning with him telling me I could burp—or worse—in front of him, that could be overlooked on their own but couldn’t be ignored in culmination, convinced me he was “The One.”
Four months later, on my birthday, I caught him by surprise and asked him to marry me. July will mark eight years.
I found what I was after so closed the truck door—and Mark was standing right there. I was so embarrassed since I’d just belched so loudly and it reverberated off the four walls in the closed garage.
I apologized and excused myself over and over, and Mark said to me, “I don’t care what you did. You can do anything you want in front

Wow, no guy had ever said that to me, and I never felt like I could do just anything in front of any guy I’d ever dated before.
Little happenings, beginning with him telling me I could burp—or worse—in front of him, that could be overlooked on their own but couldn’t be ignored in culmination, convinced me he was “The One.”
Four months later, on my birthday, I caught him by surprise and asked him to marry me. July will mark eight years.
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