Monday, September 25, 2006

A New Office for Me

I’ve been waiting for my husband to download the pictures from our vacation before I write blog entries. But, he can’t seem to remember how to do it, and I never did know how to do it. The last two pictures are of me at my book signing, so I’ve been delaying writing about that until I can post pictures with it, but darn it, a week without an entry is too much, I think, so I’ll ramble a bit.

Friday at work I got my own office. It’s a little, irregularly shaped room with no widows to the outside, but it is quiet, which, being an editor, I appreciate. I put my big map of the U.S. up on one wall with a diagram of the Lake Powell area underneath. (Lake Powell is a National Recreation area in Arizona/Utah.) A map of Puerto Rico went up next to that. I love maps and have designated that wall my map wall. On another wall that is only about three feet wide (remember, it’s an irregularly shaped office) I posted pictures of National Parks I’ve been to. Mt. Rainier, Crater Lake, Death Valley, Acadia, Yellowstone, Redwoods, Bryce, Canyonlands (my favorite), Arches, The Great Sand Dunes, plus more. It looks really nice.

My computer hasn’t been moved yet, nor has my phone, so I’m still in my old office until October—unless I’m editing.

Hopefully sometime this week I can start posting entries concerning our trip to Oregon. We really have some beautiful photos. Please check back.


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