Sunday, July 30, 2006


Three things disappointed me yesterday. The biggest was finding out that only the outside of Timberline lodge near Oregon’s Mt. Hood was used in The Shining. That means no hope of finding the same bold carpet, the same lounge, the same chandeliers as in the movie. Mark told me the bad news when I returned from a book signing at our local Kroger grocery. In May I sold eleven copies of My Lost_Summer at a signing there, but yesterday I sold only four. That was my second disappointment but it wasn’t huge because I understand that the book business has its highs and lows.

The first thing I did upon returning home was eat a grapefruit. I was really hungry. The grapefruit was pink and juicy and quite delicious—not a disappointment. Disappointment #3 came when Mark and I went to the Bass Pro Shop to get him new hiking boots for our trip in a month. He didn’t see any he liked better than what he’d seen in the LL Bean catalog so he decided to order online when we got home. That’s still not my third disappointment.

We weren’t quite out of the shoe section yet when Mark reminded me that I wanted some shoes. They’re a closed-toe sports sandal and are unique. Not lots of places have them yet. They would be perfect for warm whether light hiking and beachcombing, meaning the only shoes I’d have to take to Oregon would be those shoes and hiking boots, instead of hiking boots, sneakers, and flip flops for the beach.

Sure enough, Bass Pro Shop had the shoes I was looking for in my size, and I bought them. At home I wore them around, and after a time, they hurt my feet. My feet are somewhat flat, and it is sometimes difficult to find comfortable shoes.

Three disappointments. Ah. Well. Today’s another day.


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