Techno-phobic? Techno-illiterate? One and the Same?

“Krykee!” to borrow an exclamation from Steve Irwin, Animal Planet’s fearless Crocodile Hunter. Loading images into this blog wasn’t the easiest thing to do!
I am, I must admit, a bit computer- and all-things-technical illiterate, and it took me more than 30 minutes to find the little “picture” icon to post these shots. My husband and I just in November bought our first DVD player and cordless telephones. We do not own cell phones--though we do have a microwave.
Yes, we should both be less techno-phobic since my baccalaureate is in Engineering and he’s a man, and men, by nature, are more techno-curious. But earning my BS degree was a hard-fought journey that culminated fourteen (YIKES!) years ago. Eleven years after that I earned a Master’s in a humanity: Writing. Why the about-face in disciplines?
I’m ambidextrous now; I use both hands nearly as often to do everyday things: I brush my teeth, apply mascara, and shoot basketball left-handed; I write, eat, and bowl right-handed. I started life completely right dominated so why the change? Here’s my theory:
You know that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, and vice versa? And the left side of the brain is the logical side while the right is the creative? Before the accident I was really dominant left-brained, and the horsefall that caused my brain injury damaged that side. My right side was paralyzed, and so after I gained consciousness I had to use my left side for everything.
About a year passed before my right side regained enough strength and control to do many things, but by that time, I had gotten used to doing certain things left-handed, and I didn’t switch back. My theory is that since I’ve used my left hand for so much through the years, my right brain, the creative side, developed, and thus, I have an MA in a creative field.
The images I uploaded are not where I want them to be, which is in the sidebar. But figuring out how to do that is for another night. I'm sleepy.
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