Sunday, October 01, 2006

A Good Signing

Saturday September 16, 2006 I signed copies of My_Lost_Summer at Waldenbooks at the mall nearest my hometown.

Before my signing, my husband took my picture under the mall marquee outside, which advertised my signing.

The day was beautiful, which means mall traffic was thin because people were out enjoying the nice weather before it turns colder in a month or so. Still, I sold 11 copies all together, and two shoppers were quite interested yet without necessary funds for the moment. I bet they buy eventually.

When my husband came to pick me up after two and a quarter hours, he took my picture next to the sign the manager made to display in the center of the mall the previous week. In that particular Waldenbooks, my book is on the local interest shelf, on the manager's suggested reads shelf, and now on the signed copies shelf.

The manager invited me back. We scheduled for December 9 so that I get some of the Christmas shopping traffic.


Blogger Marti said...

Congratulations! I saw your link through the Lulu boards. That is really awesome to get your name on the outside sign! It sounds like a great experience! I have such limited funds, I haven't been able to purchase my own book in quantity, to set up events like this, but you are certainly an inspiration! Kudos to you!

2:02 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth Evans Fryer said...

Thanks, Marti. It was such a surprise to learn that my name was on the marquee. My boss suggested the picture.

Waldenbooks does not buy the books from me but from Ingram/LSI. So the fact that you have "limited funds" shouldn't hinder your chances to get a signing.

First, your book does need to be in the system. So send a copy to the Borders/Waldenbooks HQ (one and the same) and ask to get in. Then you can call stores to set up signings.

5:59 AM  

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