Rogue River Mail Jet Boat Tours - Day 8

I tell him MyLost Summer is about my recovery from a coma when I was a teenager He’s very interested so I leave a card, and he says he’ll ask the bookstore owner up the street to order one for him and several others for the small town—as he’ll sprea

Until mid afternoon today Mark and I will be on a Jet Boat touring the Rogue River, 80 miles up, then back. It’s a United States Postal Service mail boat operation, and of several boats that leave this morning, ours gets stuck with the actual mail, which we drop up river with a woman who drove a USPS SUV out on a sand bar to meet our boat.

During the ride, which is pretty chilly this morning, we see blue heron, egrets, several blacktail doe—one with fawn—and four young adult black bears that look like they just left the den. We also see juvenile and adult eagles and other things I forget. We stop to watch a crew from the Oregon DNR (or whatever it’s called up there) net fish and measure them. The young woman wrangling the fish to measure holds the

We take off at 8:20 a.m. and get back at 2:30 p.m., but about two hours of that is not on the boat. We stop for half-an-hour break on the way up, and on the way back we disembark for an hour and 20 minute lunch! There is a restaurant serving buffet-style meals, but Mark and I packed Chicken of the Sea tuna snacks with apples;

Once we get back and off the boat, we continue our northern route up the Oregon coast and stop at different places in Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area for some light hiking before stopping for the night in Florence. We shower quickly a

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