Hodge Podge
I really enjoy my Friday evenings. Mark goes bowling in a league with one of his brothers and some friends on Fridays. That’s when I get some stuff done. Or not. When the weather was colder, I’d watch girly movies, like In Her Shoes, which is my favorite girly movie. Today I napped on and off from 5 pm to 6 pm, I watched an episode of M*A*S*H and then walked to the grocery.
Snuggly into my backpack fit six yogurts, a toothpaste, two L’Oreal Wrinkle De-crease eye creams—one for night and one with SPF for the day, a box of cereal, a container of strawberries, and some grapes. Oh, and pretzels. It was quite a heavy load for the two miles back home, but when my back would start hurting, I’d remember hiking Tongariro Crossing in New Zealand on Christmas Eve—10 and a half miles between two mountains! And that inspired me; I knew I’d be home before long, and I wouldn’t be as spent as after that hike.
Tomorrow morning I’m thinking of going to a group Pilates class at 8:30 am. It’s near where I work, not far from home. Mark and I are going to his nephew’s H.S. baseball game too. And I also want to go to Kohl’s. They’re having a sale! (That’s a joke, because if you’ll notice, Kohl’s has a “sale” every freakin’ weekend.)
At Mom’s on Thursday morning, I looked at the mailer advertising what all would be on sale. There’s a thing called an anti-gravity chair that I think I want. Also, if I’m going to start going to Pilates/yoga classes on the weekends, I should get a yoga mat while I’m at Kohl’s. Who knows, maybe it’ll be on sale too.
I was at Mom’s Thursday morning because I didn’t have to be at work until noon, and the National Honor Society induction ceremony at my former high school, where I was the speaker this year, was over at 10 am. My speech went fine. My mom and my brother and sister-in-law were there—not to see me (well, Mom was) but to see Seth, their son, my nephew, get inducted. How neat was it that I got to speak the year he got inducted?
Snuggly into my backpack fit six yogurts, a toothpaste, two L’Oreal Wrinkle De-crease eye creams—one for night and one with SPF for the day, a box of cereal, a container of strawberries, and some grapes. Oh, and pretzels. It was quite a heavy load for the two miles back home, but when my back would start hurting, I’d remember hiking Tongariro Crossing in New Zealand on Christmas Eve—10 and a half miles between two mountains! And that inspired me; I knew I’d be home before long, and I wouldn’t be as spent as after that hike.
Tomorrow morning I’m thinking of going to a group Pilates class at 8:30 am. It’s near where I work, not far from home. Mark and I are going to his nephew’s H.S. baseball game too. And I also want to go to Kohl’s. They’re having a sale! (That’s a joke, because if you’ll notice, Kohl’s has a “sale” every freakin’ weekend.)
At Mom’s on Thursday morning, I looked at the mailer advertising what all would be on sale. There’s a thing called an anti-gravity chair that I think I want. Also, if I’m going to start going to Pilates/yoga classes on the weekends, I should get a yoga mat while I’m at Kohl’s. Who knows, maybe it’ll be on sale too.
I was at Mom’s Thursday morning because I didn’t have to be at work until noon, and the National Honor Society induction ceremony at my former high school, where I was the speaker this year, was over at 10 am. My speech went fine. My mom and my brother and sister-in-law were there—not to see me (well, Mom was) but to see Seth, their son, my nephew, get inducted. How neat was it that I got to speak the year he got inducted?